Jach Pursel (Lazaris): Knowing Without Certainty

This week’s guest, on Cutting Edge Consciousness, is Jach Pursel. Similar to our regular guest, Darryl Anka the channel for Bashar, Jach is a world-renowned channel. For decades Jach has channeled Lazaris. This week Jach joins Barnet Bain and Sandi Stuart on the show for a dynamic and profound conversation about how to live a rich and rewarding life. A truly fulfilling life begins when we have developed the maturity to pause. This pause occurs when we no longer feel the need to jump straight to our preprogrammed conclusions, and we can stop self-abandoning by distracting ourselves. We become more and more at home in the pause – able to embrace mystery and be with uncertainty in a way that welcomes the unknown. An authentic life is an exploration in the mystery, where the mind surrenders and becomes a constructive contributor to the thrilling journey rather than an overactive distracter that just keep drawing attention back to the “known”.

Please visit http://lazaris.com/ for more of Jach’s amazing work.

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