Milton’s Secret

A new movie by Barnet Bain starring Donald Sutherland & Michelle Rodriquez from the book by Eckhart Tolle & Bob Friedman.

A movie about family and the uncertain times families live in. Milton is a 12 year-old growing up in an economically and socially unpredictable world. His mother and father are workaholics with marital and financial problems, and he is bullied at school. When his grandfather visits, Milton learns rehashing the past and worrying about the future are preventing him from finding true happiness.


"Milton’s Secret points to the possibility of living in a different stage of consciousness that no longer generates unnecessary suffering for yourself and for others.”

- Eckhart Tolle

author of The Power of Now and A New Earth

"Milton's Secret is a rare gem that doesn't try to answer every question neatly. It’s languid and subtle and models a mastery of the art of presence.”

- Psychology Today Magazine


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Third StoryThe Third Story: Awakening the Love That Transforms.

In clear and moving prose, Barnet takes us on a journey to discover the profound meaning of our stories and the freedom that lies beyond them. In the first story, we live through the woundings and tragedies that leave us in tatters. The second story is where we seek to put ourselves together again, valiantly overcoming our challenges and obstacles. Some might stop there, satisfied to have sought and achieved…unless they hear the call. The third story is a response to a call from deep within the self. It is an extraordinary state that inspires us to live our own dreams and to intimately know our real purpose and meaning. In the pages of a compact little book, you are about to take a very big journey of the heart.


"Barnet expresses in The Third Story how to find the truth of yourself, by facing the paradox that takes you beyond your reason, knowledge and identity. It is an excellent book. I gladly recommend it."

- don Miguel Ruiz

author of The Four Agreements

"Barnet packs our lives into this lovely journey into our past, present, and future. He demonstrates a rare ability to generate value in few words using powerful images and abstractions with accessibility. I found his guidance on the journey through my life to be enlightening and challenging. I have done a great deal of personal development work and think that anyone will benefit from this perspective on life and the insight that the exercises bring."

- Dr. Robert J. Wright

author of Business with Purpose, CEO Wright Leadership Institute.

“Barnet Bain holds a mysterious power to activate the passionate loving impulse of creativity within us by his very presence. I love his work!”

- Barbara Marx Hubbard

Foundation for Conscious Evolution

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Known for his inspiring movies and powerful creativity workshops, Barnet makes available his teachings for the first time in book form. Working with more than 40 exercises, discover how the dynamic qualities of will and action come together with the receptive qualities of imagination and feeling to form the foundation of creativity.

The lessons, tools, and techniques serve to open untapped reservoirs of creativity in every individual, whether it’s in jumpstarting a new project or business, creating a work of art, experiencing more fulfilling relationships, or making other dreams come true.


“With brilliant clarity, delightful humor and deep insight, Barnet Bain reveals in The Book of Doing and Being how everyone can unlock their inner potential for creativity and make their dreams come true. I highly recommend it.”

John Gray, PhD

Best-selling author Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

“In The Book of Doing and Being, Barnet Bain affirms that creativity and real work are for the inner life what exercise is for the body. There’s no getting around it, and immersing ourselves in it brings us alive. This book offers aerobics for the heart.”

Mark Nepo

author of The Endless Practice and Inside the Miracle

“The Book of Being and Doing is the “how to” manual you have been waiting for!  With enlightening wisdom Barnet Bain empowers us to ignite creativity and address the road blocks we encounter along the way.”

Kelly McNelis

founder of Women For One

“Bain authentically demonstrates that “BEING” with the right attitude puts your aptitude on steroids, so that you’ll be active in “DOING” for your success.”

Peter Guber

owner Golden State Warriors, co-owner Los Angeles Dodgers, chairman Mandalay Entertainment, and author of “Tell to Win – Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story"

“No need to wait any longer for inspiration to strike or for the Muse to arrive in order to be creative. The Book of Doing and Being eloquently presents a treasury of creativity methods that you can use at any time.”

Zhena Muzyka

Founder Gypsy Tea Company,  author of Life by the Cup

“Barnet has found the most eloquent and experiential way of awakening in us, and drawing from our souls the very energy required to illuminate and electrify this planet with an unparalled creative force, definitely a book of the year!”

Lisa Nichols

author of New York Times best selling book, No Matter What, featured teacher in The Secret

“A glorious guide into our own possibility, into and past our blocks, to our true liberated being.   Barnet Bain gives us reason to believe in ourselves, and with some helpful steps, to realize our true nature, our calling!”

Lisa Miller, Ph.D.

Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology. Columbia University, Author, The Spiritual Child: The New Science of Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving

“Bain masterfully leads us to activate our creativity, innovation, passion and purpose. Be bold. Explore this book and expand your imagination.”

Mark Van Ness

founder, Real Leaders Magazine

This is quite simply the best book on creativity I’ve ever read. It is, at once, an eloquent theory of where the creative spark ‘lives’ and how best to access it, a complete toolkit for igniting your own creative potential, and a masterclass in the power of living life without a discernible compass.

Lynne McTaggart

international bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond

“Barnet is one of the most creative people I have ever met.  In this book he brilliantly shares how you, too, can release your creativity to consciously create the life you dream of.  I highly recommend it.”

Jack Canfield

co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series